Identity Theft

Identity theft involves acquiring key pieces of someone's identifying information, such as name, address, date of birth, social security number and mother's maiden name, in order to impersonate them. This information enables an identity thief to commit numerous forms of fraud which include, but are not limited to, taking over a victim's financial accounts, opening new bank accounts, purchasing automobiles and other products, applying for loans, credit cards and benefits, renting apartments, and establishing services with utility and phone companies.

If you suspect of being a victim to identity theft, please visit to file a report and develop a recovery plan.

If you wish to view a checklist of what you should do following a breach of personal information, please view the Federal Trade Commission Checklist.


Is someone on the phone or internet telling you to pay them with a gift card to:

  • pay an IRS debt
  • keep your Social Security benefits
  • keep your utilities on (electricity, water or heat)
  • pay for a family member in trouble
  • pay for a family member in trouble
  • pay a member of the military needing money
  • pay bail or ransom
  • avoid arrest or deportation


Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission, by visiting


Gift cards are for gifts, not for paying someone!

For more information on gift card scams, visiting